Tuesday, 12 November 2013

Post Six- Successfull or not

Boohoo.com use many different forms of marketing to reach their target audiences. I do believe their integrated marketing campaign was successful as it has become the second largest online retail store in six years. It's major competitor at the moment is ASOS. (Web fashion brand Boohoo.com gives a new look to the city's rag trade , 2012)
Boohoo.com has become the number one searched for in the online fashion industry.  (Web fashion brand Boohoo.com gives a new look to the city's rag trade , 2012)
Boohoo.com has become so successful due to it's integrated marketing campaign which involved social media, print advertising, television advertising and celebrity ambassadors. Their integrated marketing campaign successfully targeted their specified audience an generated sales amongst them. 
Boohoo.com is now projecting another year of triple digit growth . This astonishes many people due to the state of the economy in Europe.
(Web fashion brand Boohoo.com gives a new look to the city's rag trade , 2012)
 Also with the expansion into Australia and other countries this also is evidence of boohoo.com successful integrated marketing campaign. 
(Case Study- boohoo.com , 2013)

Case Study- boohoo.com . (2013). Retrieved 2013, from Kinspeed: http://www.kinspeed.com/webcasestudy-boohoo
boohoo Spring/Summer 2013 TV advert- . (2013). Retrieved October 2013, from Youtube : http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OYY1XUIiPAU
boohoo.com Shoppable music video feat Little Nikki. (2013). Retrieved October 2013 , from Youtube : http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=J9-YvVZDgP4
Web fashion brand Boohoo.com gives a new look to the city's rag trade . (2012, July 17). Retrieved 2013, from Manchester Evening News: http://www.manchestereveningnews.co.uk/business/enterprise/web-fashion-brand-boohoocom-gives-691289


Post Five- Celebrity Ambassador

Boohoo.com use Little Nikki who is a singer in the United Kingdom. Little Nikki sings the TV advert songs and also appears in the ads. By using a celebrity to sing in the TV adverts, this can gain consumers through the celebrity. It also increases the perception in quality because Little Nikki is endorsing the product.

 By using Little Nikki it is a successful part of the integrated marketing campaign as it creates a connection between celebrity and the public. Little Nikki creates a quality of the product and also creates an increase in brand awareness.

Post Four- Social Media

Boohoo.com have a Facebook page, Instagram and twitter where they show what clothing and offers they can give to their consumers. Being interactive with social media with their consumers allows boohoo.com to have a relationship with their consumers and it is a way they are able to target their consumers.  Social Media is a growing part of advertising and by using this as a medium it directly aims at their target market and also reinforces the idea of boohoo.com being 24/7 fashion.

Facebook Page:
On their facebook page consumers are able to browse through latest clothing and accessories and click on a link which takes them straight to the website where they purchase the product. This fits in with their marketing campaign as it allows consumers to use their websites as advertising tools that gets them to purchase the products.



Instagram allows boohoo.com to also showcase new items on their website, but it allows their consumers to follow them and see what kind of things boohoo.com. Instagram helps boohoo.com create a relationship with it's consumers.



Twitter allows boohoo.com to show new items and also allows consumers to see what interests boohoo.com. Twitter allows consumers to follow and keep up to date with what new things are coming to boohoo.com and also in fashion trends.

Thursday, 31 October 2013

Post Three- Print Advertisment

Boohoo.com also use print media to advertise to their consumers. They place their print ads in fashion magazines to demonstrate their clothing is stylish and what their consumers are looking for. 

Boohoo.com also has their own magazine where they showcase their clothing in the latest fashion trends. This is another form of print advertising as it allows boohoo to capture consumers who want to read magazines about fashion and clothing. In the magazine boohoo.com show their clothes that they sell for each season. They provide different monthly issues that are specific to different trends and seasons.


Today, I was reading Cleo (October 2013 Issue)where I saw clothing from boohoo.com being used to show trends for this Summer/Spring and also for Spring Racing Carnivals. Being shown in magazines like Cleo is good media for the brand as it is a direct channel to the intended target market. This is integrated within the marketing campaign as it gives boohoo.com a classy perception as it's products are used to create an outfit for derby day. This is a successful strategy for the company as females are always looking for new outfits to wear that are on trend and also easy to get it and affordable.

Tuesday, 29 October 2013

Post Two Television Advertising

Boohoo.com use print, radio, social media and TV to advertise their brand. Television advertising is a large part in advertising in many companies. Especially with boohoo.com television adverts would be reach a large number of their consumers.

Consumers can watch these ads on television but also on youtube where they have created a music video that shows the clothing within the film and uses a link to the boohoo.com website where they can purchase it straight away.

Some of boohoo.com adverts use Little Nikki as the singer of the music. Using stars like Little Nikki as an ambassador creates a star quality of the brand and will also be seen as a competitive advantage. 

(boohoo.com Shoppable music video feat Little Nikki, 2013)
Boohoo.com use different ads for each season of the year.The most recent marketing campaign is the Boohoo Spring/Summer 2013 ad (shown below). The first ad seen on television was on Arena at 4:30pm. The ad showcases the clothing boohoo can provide for spring and summer 2013. The models within the ad portray a cool, street vibe which is aiming directly at the company's target market. I think this ad is integrated with boohoo.com plan of gaining shareholder value and and building a brand that is well know and successful as it connects with the identified target market and also creates a perception amongst consumers by suggesting their company is a shop that they can access all day everyday which appeals to many people who are busy and don't have time to get to the shops.

(boohoo Spring/Summer 2013 TV advert- , 2013)

 This ad does fit in with the integrated marketing communications campaign of boohoo.com as it keeps the target audience in mind and will ultimately get them to purchase the product.