Tuesday, 12 November 2013

Post Six- Successfull or not

Boohoo.com use many different forms of marketing to reach their target audiences. I do believe their integrated marketing campaign was successful as it has become the second largest online retail store in six years. It's major competitor at the moment is ASOS. (Web fashion brand Boohoo.com gives a new look to the city's rag trade , 2012)
Boohoo.com has become the number one searched for in the online fashion industry.  (Web fashion brand Boohoo.com gives a new look to the city's rag trade , 2012)
Boohoo.com has become so successful due to it's integrated marketing campaign which involved social media, print advertising, television advertising and celebrity ambassadors. Their integrated marketing campaign successfully targeted their specified audience an generated sales amongst them. 
Boohoo.com is now projecting another year of triple digit growth . This astonishes many people due to the state of the economy in Europe.
(Web fashion brand Boohoo.com gives a new look to the city's rag trade , 2012)
 Also with the expansion into Australia and other countries this also is evidence of boohoo.com successful integrated marketing campaign. 
(Case Study- boohoo.com , 2013)

Case Study- boohoo.com . (2013). Retrieved 2013, from Kinspeed: http://www.kinspeed.com/webcasestudy-boohoo
boohoo Spring/Summer 2013 TV advert- . (2013). Retrieved October 2013, from Youtube : http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OYY1XUIiPAU
boohoo.com Shoppable music video feat Little Nikki. (2013). Retrieved October 2013 , from Youtube : http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=J9-YvVZDgP4
Web fashion brand Boohoo.com gives a new look to the city's rag trade . (2012, July 17). Retrieved 2013, from Manchester Evening News: http://www.manchestereveningnews.co.uk/business/enterprise/web-fashion-brand-boohoocom-gives-691289


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